Transforming Lives in Rural Ghana: Portable Ultrasound for Mothers and Children

For a positive pregnancy outcome, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that every pregnant woman has at least two sonographies. These should occur before 12 weeks to confirm pregnancy and after 28 weeks to identify any medical condition that needs sonography during pregnancy.

The Adaklu District is populated with mostly rural dwellers who survive on small-holder farming, animal rearing, and hunting. The over 86,649 residents according to 2021 population census, rely on 18 health facilities in the district. With a birth rate of 39.7%, only one of the facilities provides ultrasound services, making it difficult for pregnant women to access complete care services. Read more…

Promoting Education and

The Give Right Foundation empowers families throughout the developing world. We accomplish this by providing rural communities access to prenatal point-of-care ultrasound with the dual aim of improving prenatal care and decreasing maternal mortality. Collaborating with Butterfly, an ultrasound device company based out of California, it donates portable ultrasounds to rural clinics, educates midwives in their use, and coordinates the logistics surrounding ultrasound scans with local healthcare providers.

Nurturing Community Strength with Empathy and Solidarity

Our goal is to empower communities through collaborative partnerships that will outlive us. Through international volunteering and service-learning programs, we work with local community members to build long-lasting resources, address public health issues, and create equitable, long-term solutions.

We work in close partnership with



Universities Professors

Local Communities

Our Action Areas

We carry out our actions in three main areas to achieve our objectives.

International Volunteering Abroad & Mission Trips

The Give Right Foundation provides opportunities for individuals, corporate staff, philanthropically minded adults, and families to create meaningful community development projects tailored to the needs of specific communities. We work to connect local communities with the financial and human resources necessary to transform their hopes into realities.

Global Engagement Program

The Give Right Foundation’s Global Engagement Program is designed for universities and organizations that send volunteers and students to Africa. The main goal of the program is to prepare volunteers and students for their global learning experience prior to their travel to Africa. The program uses online learning methodology. It includes:

  • A complete introduction to the concept of volunteerism
  • A comprehensive overview of the concept of community-engaged learning
  • A remote introduction to the host culture including communication skills, practices, and reflections (facilitated remotely by community leaders)

An inside look into the local economy, history, educational system, and business practices by meeting with leaders from diverse organizations

Experiential Learning And Service Trips

Customized programs for High School, Colleges and University students.

We assist with the following:

  • Logistics Planning,
  • Design Itinerary
  • Community Engagement
  • Program Design
  • Coordination

GRF facilitate all program elements such as guest speakers, workshops, meetings, site visits, cultural immersion, research project, service-learning projects, health & safety support, logistics, risk management and 24/7 coordination

Our actions are focused on Sustainable Development

We are working with universities and community organizations to find creative solutions that will help alleviate suffering in the world

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Our Mission

The Give Right Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that promotes healthy families in developing nations throughout the world.

The Give Right Foundation, Inc. (non-profit registered organization based in Michigan, USA) is dedicated to addressing the complex and interrelated challenges facing Africa.

677 Accipiter Way

East Lansing, MI 48823, USA

Phone: (+1) 937 232 5310